Home CCTV System
We have a range of CCTV surveillance cameras that can be used for home security applications, such as keeping an eye on your premises when you are at work or on holiday.
Whether you are looking for the best value for money in terms of home security, or you are looking to install the most advanced multiple-device CCTV surveillance camera technology, we can provide you with sound professional advice. We offer high-quality affordable CCTV surveillance camera systems and the latest technology available on the global market.
With remote access surveillance, you can access your home alarm system and CCTV surveillance cameras from anywhere in the world via your smartphone, tablet, or laptop computer. If you are away on holiday and your home alarm is activated, you can log into the camera’s IP address via the internet to virtually survey your home through the camera. Naturally, we are always working and will still respond to any alarm activations on your property in your absence.
CCTV surveillance cameras with remote access give you peace of mind when you are at work and your children are at home with a caregiver, as you can periodically log in and check on their safety and ensure that sleep and homework routines are followed.
CCTV surveillance cameras are installed at the gate or door to allow your family and domestic staff to check who is ringing the bell without having to go outside. Cameras can help security companies and the police get valuable information for investigations.

CCTV – Commercial
Electronic monitoring of entrances, exits, expensive high-end goods and employees is enhanced by indoor and outdoor CCTV cameras. These devices allow business owners or designated managers to log into a business’s security system and CCTV camera network via an electronic device. With the additional input of artificial intelligence [AI] allowing customisable detection areas, a business owner can confidently and comfortably monitor their business and premises from anywhere in the world, allowing automatic tracking of any intruder if the alarm goes off, or conducting random virtual security checks.
CCTV cameras for businesses near entrances provide an extra layer of security and help staff check the identity of visitors with the help of Facial Recognition technology or their incoming vehicles with the help of Automated Licence Plate Recognition technology [ALPR] without having to meet them face-to-face.
While a CCTV system transmits the video feed to an on-site facility, remote surveillance allows the system to be monitored from an off-site location. It is possible for this location to be anywhere in the world. This however requires a suitable communication link between the on-site equipment and the off-site location.

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